
Friday, August 18, 2017

Terryfieng house

One outstanding sunny day, the blue was bold in the sky and the clouds looked like pillows and candy floss. My house had bright red bricks, but the colour was draining out because of the rain in the winter, but at least it’s spring now. We get to play outside more and go on our trampoline more as well. Our yard and trampoline is starting to get dry. It was around the time people had playdates. Iut I don’t think I will have a play date because my friends might be busy, or they might have playdates with their other friends.

Hi my name is Laura and I’m a 5 year old little girl. My mums name is Jacky and my dad's name is Matt. Today my mum told we I was having a playdate with my bestie Kendall and her brother Jack. Jack has only told me that he kinda has a crush on me, also I love playing with Kendall. Kendall is so amazing she has toys, little kids makeup and so much fun other stuff. I was so excited I started to jumping all around my room and saying “I’m gonna see Kendall and Jack, I’m gonna see Kendall and Jack.” I was so excited when I heard about going to Kendall’s house I got ready super fast so I had time to get some activities that both of us can do. If Jack wants to join in because I’m there I got him some boy stuff to play with to. After I got everything in my bag my mum said “Laura Kendall’s mum is waiting for you, also Kendall and Jack are in the car.”  I knew Jack will be in the car but I was so excited Kendall was in the car.

I went out to the car and Jack finally told Kendall he has a crush on me. He made me sit in the middle so Jack and Kendall can both sit by me. On the way to Kendall’s house I talked to Kendall the most, Jack also tried to make me fall in love with him but I ignored him because I don’t like him that much. I just talked to Kendall. I got to Kendall’s house and I heard Jack say “I have a crush on Laura” to his mum.  I didn’t hear the rest thought, did he want to make me to fall in love with him from his mum or did he want to make his mum tell Kendall to make me fall in love with him. My heart was pounding more than normal and my hands were shaking I went to Kendall and said “I’m starting to think Jack is crazy in love with me.” Kendall said “Maybe he is but I’d just stay away from him if i was you. let’s just play and I can help you calm down Laura.” I thought Kendall was right and we just kept on playing.

After we played with the dolls I brought Kendall said “ I dare you to go up in the Attic” in my head I thought why but I did it anyways for my bestfriend. I barely heard anything up in the attic but I still went up. When I took my first step I was shaking so much my hands were in I ball. I was so scared I just felt like going back to Kendall but I had to go up and face one of my fears, Attic’s. I took more and more steps and nothing scary happened “phew” I said. But then a buggy came out of it’s cage, My heart went faster and faster I wanted to run out but if I hurt myself I would go home. So I just screamed “Kendall, Jack anyone help!” Jack heard me and ran right up, did I forget to mention birds are my biggest nightmare. Jack came up and made me go behind him and he put the buggy back in the cage. I said “ thanks Jack you're not so annoying after all” Jack whispered “ she might be in love with me now.” I only heard love but he was happy so I didn’t hurt his feelings by saying anything.

I went back to Kendall and she asked “ Why were you up there so long, and why were you up there Jack.” Jack and I said “ It’s a long story” and we both laughed. After that Jack asked if you bring stuff for me I wasn’t surprised he asked me but I said yes because I don’t want to lie to the person how put my biggest fear back in the cage. Jack said “ you're the funnest person, and the cutest person I ever met.” I knew he was gonna say cutest but I said nothing and got Jack’s toys out of my bag and we played .

It came the saddest time of today I needed to go home, Jack, Kendall and I were all sad. In my head I thought Jack is kinda cute but I won’t tell him now because I’m going home and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I gave Jack a hi five and Kendall a hug and said “bye I really want another play date with you guys, ” Jack and Kendall feel the same way.

I was talking to mum and said “ when can I have another play date with Jack and Kendall.” I thought my mum said I don’t know but she actually said “Maybe in a few weeks.” In my head I wanted another one this week.

1 comment:

  1. great job Danielle I really like how you said at the start one outstanding day but I think you can put more punctuation in your writing


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